Sunday, December 2, 2012

A West Coast Christmas: Honey Ginger IPA

I’m a sucker for seasonal beers, and the best time of year for seasonals has to be the Holidays, and Christmas in particular. This year I wanted to deviate from some of the usual suspects such as Belgian Bier De Noels, Holiday spiced Winter Warmers, and other big Christmas offerings to try something a little more West Coast. What’s more West Coast than IPA? Well, I don’t know but I do know I wanted to do something a bit more than imperializing it. Luckily, I had a pretty great recipe of Honey IPA and with a little inspiration for Randy Mosher’s Radical Brewing the addition of Ginger seemed perfect. He advocates the use of East Kent Goldings exclusively, which I was a bit reluctant about but it was definitely worthwhile. I hope you enjoy this spin on a “Christmas IPA.”

Recipe is best viewed by Right-Clicking on Image and selecting "Open in New Window."

The Great Pumpkin Porter 2022

A perennial fall favorite in the Zorn house - Pumpkin Ales. The past few years we've been focusing on our "Der Kurbis" version...